HANHART Morkovice



Quality Policy

This Quality Policy is promulgated by the Company management with the conviction that it will be understood and accepted by all employees working for the Company as well as our trading partners.

Our goal is to achieve and maintain a reputation in the field of quality, price and delivery accuracy / on-time delivery that ensures us a significant market position with the competitive advantages in obtaining new contracts and strategic partnership. The means to achieve this goal is to maintain the quality system in accordance with the ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and ISO 14001 standards while following the company strategy.

We believe that our Quality Policy will give rise to healthy pride in all co-workers as to our products and the good name of the company.

Customer satisfaction

  • We want to attain the highest possible satisfaction of both our external and internal customers.
  • Each employee will do their best to achieve this customer satisfaction.
  • Our goal is to understand customer requirements and we strive to ensure that the outcome surpasses expectation.
  • We will systematically evaluate and improve customer satisfaction levels.

Company management

  • At appropriate intervals, the Company will evaluate the assessments of its goals, products, the eligibility of the processes and its customer satisfaction. The results and analyses of assessment data will be the incentive for any precautions and remedial actions to be implemented for the improvement of individual processes and customer satisfaction.
  • The Company management undertakes to create the necessary human, financial and material resources required to continuously improve quality system processes and cater to our customers’ needs.

Motivated employees

  • We will create a 21st century working environment that is characterised by occupational safety, a clean working environment, trust and cooperation among Company employees.
  • We will create and maintain internal conditions that will enable employees to fully engage in the process.
  • We trust our employees. We will support their professional growth and activities in the improvement of Company processes.
  • Our employees’ attitude towards the quality of the work is to enable customer assurance that our product reaches or surpasses the agreed or expected quality level.
  • The quality and customer satisfaction will be achieved by means of cooperation among all employees who are expected to distinguish themselves through their career competencies, cooperation and interest in the Company’s good results.

Environmental responsibility

  • We will continually seek opportunities to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment.
  • The Company strives to continually reduce emissions in accordance with the EMS policy, our set goals and target values.

Long-term profitability of the Company
– active management

  • Všechny činnosti a zdroje společnosti budeme řídit jako proces a tím dosáhneme žádaného výsledku efektivněji.
  • Identifikací, pochopením a řízením vzájemně provázaných procesů jako systému budeme přispívat k efektivnímu a účinnému dosahování cílů společnosti.
  • Dokonalost musíme prosazovat do celé struktury společnosti, do všech jejích částí a činností. Základním nástrojem dosažení dokonalosti je proces neustálého zlepšování.
  • Nedílnou součástí naší politiky kvality je i důsledné dodržování pořádku a pozitivní ovlivňování pracovního prostředí ve všech prostorách společnosti.

Reliable suppliers

  • The quality of our products also depends on the quality of supplied parts. We will promote mutually beneficial relationships with selected suppliers. As our partner, our duty is to enable their further development and prospects.